Healing can come from many places, most importantly from your own heart.


How long does therapy take?

The times it takes depends on many individual factors, and it is not possible to say exactly how long time it will take for you.

If you are working on self-growth, inner connection, and developing higher awareness, you may enjoy developing a longer therapeutic relationship.

If you are working on a particular issue / negative memory, and find EMDR therapy beneficial, you may feel better after 8-12 sessions, but providing an exact estimate of sessions needed is difficult.

Sometimes there may also be something holding you back from healing. This is know as secondary gain. Reflect to see if you would like to improve and feel better, or if there is a part of you that wants to keep the status quo. This is something we can explore in our sessions.

Can you guarantee that I will get better?

Even with motivation and a beneficial therapeutic match, I cannot guarantee that therapy is the right fit for you, or that it will help you feel better, more connected, whole, and peaceful. As a therapist, I can offer you guidance along the way, and help you get to a place where you can more mindfully build you own healing tools, observation skills, transcend limiting beliefs and more adaptively process experiences. When you raise your awareness, you begin living from your heart in loving alignment with your higher self.

Acknowledging and accepting that you are ready to grow and heal is a powerful first step of the journey. Healing can come from many places, most importantly from your own heart.

How much does a therapy session cost?

You can find a detailed fee structure for therapy sessions of different lengths on my website under Fees.

Do you offer reduced rates?

I keep a smaller boutique style therapy practice, and only work with a small number of clients at the time. My therapeutic style is built on heart-centered connection, presence, and awareness. In order to facilitate growth, I aim to be fully present with my clients, and I honor my own self-care and wellbeing by not taking on too many clients, so my rates are currently offered in alignment with the regular fee structure. That may change in the future, so please check back in, or contact me if you are going through a unique circumstance.

What happens if I don’t like therapy?

When going to therapy, sometimes things get tougher before they get better. I always encourage my clients to be open and honest about their feelings so that we can better explore what’s going on and what is unfolding. Sometimes there may be projections and transference from earlier situations in life playing out in the therapy room.

There may also be situations where we may simply not the best therapeutic match. You can choose to move onto a different therapist. Before the first session, I offer all clients complimentary 15-minute phone consultations so that you can get a better feel for if we are a good therapeutic match. If we start working together and we then feel that you would benefit more from working with another therapist I will provide you with referrals.

How do I schedule a consultation with you?

Welcome to schedule a consultation here.