California Dream Therapy with Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Anna Karin Björklund

Dream Therapy

Psychodynamic / Mindfulness

Get to the Root of the Issue and Experience New Solutions

  • Engage in luminous self-inquiry, improve awareness and experience deeper inner connection, creativity, meaning, and purpose

  • Transcend unconscious habits, limiting beliefs and old ways of responding to situations

  • Embark on dream journeys in high awareness and experience more creativity and inspiration also your daily life

  • Practice mindful awareness in your dreams and expand your consciousness

  • Live from the Heart and Blossom into Your Authentic Self

Through in-depth explorations, you are gently guided to engage in illuminating self-inquiry. From a mindful, awareness-enhancing perspective, dreams help you compassionately observe and understand the unconscious patterns of thoughts and emotions underlying your present situation, perspectives, behaviors, or symptoms. From a psychodynamic perspective, dreams help unfold layers of unprocessed memories and have the power of shining light on both unconscious behaviors and unrealized dreams.

By bringing higher awareness into your dreams, you expand and raise your consciousness. Over time you may find that your dreams evolve with your own inner transformation and may gift you with a golden flow of inspiration and creativity.

Anna Karin Björklund, LMFT, offers therapy in Newport Beach, Orange County, San Diego and all of California. Sessions are online – join from where works best for you.